Supporting Co-Presence in Populated Virtual Environments by Actor Takeover of Animated Characters
Published October 16, 2023 in 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) by Jingyi Zhang, Klara Brandstätter, Anthony Steed
Online social virtual worlds are now becoming widely available on consumer devices including virtual reality headsets. One goal of a virtual world could be to give a user an experience of a crowded environment with many virtual humans. However, gathering enough personnel to control the necessary number of avatars for creating a realistic scene is usually difficult. Additionally, current technology is not capable of fully simulating avatars with behaviours, especially when interaction with users is required. In this paper, we develop a system that enables an actor to take over control of one of a set of avatars. We built an immersive interface that allows an actor to select an avatar to take over and then segue into the currently playing animation. By allowing one person to take control of multiple avatars, we can enhance the plausibility of environments inhabited by simulated characters. In an experiment, we show that in a cafe scenario, one actor can take over the roles of a barista and two customers. Experiment participants reported experiencing the scene as if it were populated by more than one actor. This system and experiment demonstrate the feasibility of one actor controlling multiple avatars sequentially, thus enhancing users’ feelings of being in a populated environment.
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author={Zhang, Jingyi and Brandst\"{a}tter, Klara and Steed, Anthony},
booktitle={2023 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR)},
title={Supporting Co-Presence in Populated Virtual Environments by Actor Takeover of Animated Characters},